We recently hosted our quarterly Flood Family Meeting after the worship gathering. It is always meaningful to enjoy a meal, celebrate and learn exciting updates ahead for our community. We even enjoyed a visit from the big man himself … Santa Claus :)
Below are some highlights of what was shared including some recent celebrations and important updates.
- Candce Sousa joined our Staff Team as our Early Childhood Coordinator!
- Flood Kids started a midweek small group for 2nd-5th graders!
- Flood Youth now has 6 Thursday leaders and 8 Sunday leaders! It is so encouraging to see the adults in our church care for the emerging generation!
- 7 students got baptized recently!
- Your giving helped sponsor the Ufulu Festival in Malawi, Africa, a music festival that reached over 20,000 people with the Gospel! We also sponsored 3 SALT Conferences across the country focused on developing young emerging leaders!
- Our last Women’s Event welcomed over 60 people for a time of worship and growing together!
- We have seen 50 people join our Emotionally Healthy Relationships course this fall!
- We have seen 3 months of consistent attendance growth when compared to last year! 20 people become brand new members of our community. We have also seen successful New to Flood parties, where people get connected and involved! One couple came to the NTF party, decided to make Flood their church home and are now volunteering in the Ones/Twos class, as well as being a part of Safe Families.
- We have seen 3 months of giving growth when compared to last year!
There is so much more to celebrate in the life of our community, and we are grateful for your participation!
General Fund Update
Our fiscal year recently concluded this past August. While it was a year of continued uncertainty and the conclusion of our building project, we are grateful that we ended the year with a minimal deficit.
September 2021 - August 2022
Provision $ 1,875,513.22
Expenses $ 1,884,083.60
Deficit $ 8570.38
Thank you to those who give regularly and consistently! At Flood, we believe the biblical standard for tithing is 10% and appreciate whatever you are able to contribute towards our movement of hope and healing. This has been a season of rebuilding and we rely on your faithful giving to not only resource our current needs, but our future plans as well.
We recently created a very lean, yet faith filled budget and need to see giving increase. We want to see new folks discover Jesus and our community. We also want to continue to welcome people back. The pandemic disrupted many routines and rhythms, and we continue to see new and old faces joining our community. We are celebrating a really strong month of September giving. We received a large $45,000 gift of stock and another family completed their entire HOME Pledge of $25,000! Wow!!
We welcome any type of giving, and encourage setting up recurring giving at FloodChurch.org/Give
We also recognize the challenges of our current economy and that many are facing financial hardships. If you’re in need of financial counseling or support, or have questions about your giving and/or want to give stock or some other creative way, please contact our Executive Pastor at
HOME Update
As we celebrated a few months ago, the first phase that included the full conversion of an old warehouse into a functioning church home has been fully funded and is nearly complete! The final projects left to be completed are some finishes in the auditorium, including a custom set design, lighting features and acoustic treatment, and permanent signage.
After 22 years, we are updating the branding of our church. Once this is completed, we will install a permanent lighted sign out front that will be visible at night from the freeway. There will also be permanent signage on the building and way-finding signage inside our space.
Lastly, we are beginning to dream about the next phase of improvements that will likely include outdoor enhancements to make our home more inviting and functional.
We unveiled our plans to mark the Christmas season at Flood. Santa Claus stopped by because he was hearing rumors about a huge house party coming to San Diego … and he was right! From the makers of the Christmas Collective, we will be hosting the Holly Jolly Christmas Party - A Creative Gathering for the Common Good on Saturday, December 10th! We are excited to bring more hope, love and joy to our city while doing good for others, as we party with a purpose. This will be a free open house style event that will include excellent live Christmas music, attractions, craft food, photo booth, Giving Tree, Youth Makers Market and so much more! This will be a great event for not only yourself, but your friends and family. Sign up for updates and volunteering at HollyJollyParty.com
Church Survey
We are also doing our annual one minute church survey. This helps us better understand who is a part of our community. If you haven’t filled it out yet, please do so at FloodChurch.org/Survey