Spiritual Practices

Below you will find a few prompts that may help you connect with God, wherever you are, and with however much time you have. Feel free to physically participate in the ways you find most engaging; whether sitting still, walking, stretching, or closing your eyes. The main goal is to be fully present and attentive to yourself and God in the midst of the practice you choose. Select how much time you have to spend on a practice today. No judgement, any step towards God is a positive one! Choose one practice from the list, and follow the prompt, it's that easy!


A simple, intimate prayer of heartfelt desire before God.

Paying attention to your breathing is one of the simplest ways of getting in touch with your existence as a body. Once you have settled into your body, begin repeating a simple one-sentence prayer that is meaningful to you; connect the prayer to your breathing and return to it throughout the day until it becomes a soul reflex.

1) Start with taking 2-3 full, deep breaths
2) Take time to notice how your body is feeling
3) Breathe in, meditating on a word, phrase, or biblical name or image of God
4) Breathe out, sharing a simple God-given desire
5) Breathe slowly and take your time

Some Breath Prayer examples:

  • (inhale) Lord, Jesus Christ
    (exhale) have mercy.
  • (inhale) Speak, Lord,
    (exhale) for your servant is listening.
  • (inhale) You are enough for me,
    (exhale) I am enough for you.
  • (inhale) Christ is in me,
    (exhale) I am in Christ.
  • (inhale) When I am afraid,
    (exhale) I will trust you.
  • (inhale) Not my will,
    (exhale) but yours.


Fasting is the natural response of a whole person (body, mind, spirit, soul) to a sacred and grievous moment in life.

The typical fast in the Bible was sunup to sundown (2 meals), but it was a regular practice in Judaism. In most of our faith experiences today, fasting is a neglected practice. Therefore, begin with baby steps.

  • Choose one meal to abstain from this week. We also must recognize that our intent matters. The question is not: "What do I get from fasting?" But rather, "What occasion am I fasting?"
  • Choose an occasion to fast (Grief, Lament, Repentance, Longing). Pay attention to your body's longing, as well as God's heart (spiritual food).
  • Give the money away to someone or something that reflects God's Kingdom values (Church, Non-Profit, Neighbor, etc.).
  • Do this all in "secret" as Jesus says in Matthew 6:18.


To remember Christ's sacrifice for us, and our need for his grace.

  • Gather the necessary communion supplies on hand, bread/cracker (representing Christ’s body) and wine/juice (representing Christ’s blood).
  • Begin with a prayer of confession, surrendering your weaknesses and faults to the forgiving love of Christ.
  • Read 1 Corinthians 11:23-26:
    "For I received from the Lord what I also passed on to you: The Lord Jesus, on the night he was betrayed, took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and said, “This is my body, which is for you; do this in remembrance of me.” In the same way, after supper he took the cup, saying, “This cup is the new covenant in my blood; do this, whenever you drink it, in remembrance of me.” For whenever you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until he comes."
  • Pray and give thanks for the bread and the wine asking God to bless it as you receive it in remembrance of Christ’s sacrifice.
  • Chew the bread slowly, tasting the flavor and texture. Pause and be deliberate before taking the cup. As you drink the wine/juice, be mindful of it flowing down your throat. Experience the full sensation.
  • Reflect on Jesus' words form his prayer in John 17:20-23, "...Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me...I in them and you in me—so that they may be brought to complete unity. Then the world will know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me."

Praying Out Loud & Singing Worship

Embodying prayer and worship through our voices

Prayer and listening to worship can slip into an isolated activity of the mind without intentional times of embodiment and expression.

  • Pray: choose a sacred space you feel safe to pray out loud. Listen to God, and listen to your body—how does your body want to express your inner world to God? Examples: Arms raised, palms open, kneeling, spread out, etc.
  • Sing: what songs are you drawn to as a way of expressing your heart to God? Sing along, or make up your own song. Notice your body while you are singing: your postures, your expressions, your movements, your feelings.


Embodying prayer and worship through artistic expression

Created in God's own image, we were made to create.

  • Collaging: Spend time looking through old magazines: What images are you drawn to? Don't judge. Cut them out and set them aside. Don't worry about "finishing a project". Feel free to "waste time with God." When you are ready, begin forming a prayer, and/or expression of worship, on your paper (11x17 or larger). Lastly, glue the images down and add words or images of your own with markers, paint, or watercolor.
  • Painting: Choose a passage of Scripture (e.g., Ephesians 3:14-21, John 15, etc.) and color/paint what the passage means to you. Don't worry about the finished product, and don't judge the outcome, as it's not about the actual painting, but rather the intent of your whole self (body, mind, soul) connecting with God.


Walking with God and a greater intentionality about being awake and aware of God's presence with you and in the world.

  • Begin by slowly and deliberately walking through places for the purpose of intentional and listening prayer.
  • Allow yourself to stop and notice your surroundings: colors, sounds, sights, scents. What draws you? Consider the breeze as a reminder of God's Spirit with you.
  • Spend time sharing your true heart honestly. Pause, and spend the rest of the time listening and receiving. As you open yourself to God's presence, ask God to give you insight in the places and people you encounter. How might God be inviting you to intercede?
  • Finish with stretching and thanking God for your body and the ability to experience creation.


To engage a different part of your body, hearing God's Word in a fresh and new way.

  1. Choose a book of the Bible or passage of Scripture
  2. Go to BibleGateway.com and select the passage from the drop down menu; then click the speaker icon.
  3. Go for a walk, find a place to stretch, or sit in nature—and hear God's Word in a new way.


Body care begins with good sleep, while unintentional smartphone usage often leads to less sleep

  • Sleep: Choose one night a week to go to bed early and sleep until you wake up naturally.
  • Phone Fast: Choose to put your phone away for the night for a few hours before bedtime (E.g. 5-8pm, or 8-10pm).
  • Unplugging from electronic devices that interrupt relationships (tv, computer, phone, email, text, etc.), devoting time and attention to others without interruption, communicating face to race rather than virtually.


The Welcoming Prayer is a way of consenting to God’s presence and action in our physical and emotional reactions to situations and stressors in daily life.

The purpose is to deepen our relationship with God and become free of the tyranny of repressed emotions that keep us overly attached to: safety/security, power/control, and esteem/affection. Note: Welcoming prayer is not accepting the cause of negative feelings, or wrong behavior. It’s about accepting reality as the denial and repression of afflicting emotions empowers our anxiety and tension. As Jesus says, “The truth will set you free” (John 8:32).

  1. Focus and Feel the afflicting emotion.
    Begin by taking 3-5 slow, deep breaths with your feet solidly on the ground.
    Where is it registering in your body (Stomach in knots, tense shoulders, pain in joints, headache)?
    Simply notice, identify, and feel. Don't judge, explain away, or fix.
  2. Next say "Welcome ______________ ."
    Welcome whatever the afflicting emotion is (such as anger, sadness, anxiety, frustration, etc.).
    Welcome God's healing presence in which we are completely safe and loved.
    God welcomes every corner of our hearts.
  3. Let go by surrendering in prayer one of the examples below:
    "I let go of my desire for security in ____________________, and embrace the moment as it is."
    "I let go of my desire for esteem in _____________________, and embrace the moment as it is."
    "I let go of my desire for control of _____________________, and embrace the moment as it is."

Remember God's presence with you and thank Him for healing (both seen and unseen).


Allow God to shape your prayer life through the words of Scripture.

  • You can do this by meditating on Scripture in order to interact more personally with God, putting Scripture in places you will see it daily (bathroom mirror, refrigerator, car, etc).
  • Read the passage slowly, letting the truth of it seep in and shape your countenance.
  • Some scriptures on rest, if you need a starting point:

Exodus 20:8-10
Psalm 46:10
Psalm 116:7
Matthew 11:28-30
Hebrews 4:9-11


Following the Holy Spirit’s prompting to live with a grateful heart, aware of God’s work in your life and also to your abundant resources.

  • Seek to open your eyes to God’s presence and gifts through the day. How has he taken care of you?
  • Express gratitude to and for others, whether strangers or those close to you. How can you make them feel appreciated?
  • Keep a gratitude journal that records the gifts God gives you. Return to the journal in times of stress to remind yourself that God is a good and loving provider.


Instead of reading to amass information, Prayerful reading is meant for our transformation—an encounter with the living Jesus.

Note: if you are unfamiliar with a passage, it’s helpful to read a good commentary to understand the context, such as at www.BibleHub.com.

  • RELINQUISH: Begin with a prayer giving up any agenda you may bring to the passage.
  • READ: Choose a Bible passage and read through it several times, slowly. Pause at any word or phrase where you sense God’s invitation. Circle, highlight, or underline it. (Try small portions of Psalm 139, Romans 8, John 15, Matthew 6, Mark 10, Luke 24, and other short stories from the Gospels, if you're looking for a good place to start.)
  • REFLECT: Place yourself in the scene. Involve your senses. Focus on how Jesus wants to reveal himself to you.
  • RESPOND: Open your heart to God, acknowledging what He is doing and receiving it. Speak the healing words that Christ has given.
  • REST: A simple, loving focus on Jesus and a joyful rest in His presence. Receive God’s love for you.


The questions below are designed to encourage our faith-fulness as we share the truths of God’s loving and divine activity in our lives with one another.

  • In what ways is Jesus making His presence to you this week?
  • How is Jesus inviting you to love and serve others this week?
  • In what ways is Scripture shaping the way you think, feel and respond?
  • Is there anything significant that has affected your relationship with: Jesus, Self, Others?


To remember Christ's sacrifice for us, and our need for his grace.

  1. Gather the necessary communion supplies on hand, bread/cracker (representing Christ’s body) and wine/juice (representing Christ’s blood).
  2. Begin with a prayer of confession, surrendering your weaknesses and faults to the forgiving love of Christ.
  3. Read 1 Corinthians 11:23-26: "For I received from the Lord what I also passed on to you: The Lord Jesus, on the night he was betrayed, took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and said, “This is my body, which is for you; do this in remembrance of me.” In the same way, after supper he took the cup, saying, “This cup is the new covenant in my blood; do this, whenever you drink it, in remembrance of me.” For whenever you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until he comes."
  4. Pray and give thanks for the bread and the wine asking God to bless it as you take it in remembrance of Christ’s sacrifice.


To notice both God and your God-given desires throughout the day.

Developing a rhythm of coming into the presence of God to ask, ‘When today did I have the deepest sense of connection with God, others and myself? When today did I have the least sense of connection?’

  1. Start by taking 2-3 full, deep breaths and settling in. Reflect on your day.
  2. Give thanks to God for all the things you're grateful for today.
  3. Ask to be filled with the Holy Spirit's wisdom and discernment.
  4. Review and recognize failures, the moments in the day where you made mistakes.
  5. Ask God for forgiveness and healing so that you can move on.
  6. Pray for tomorrow, asking for help with any moments that might be difficult.


To enter into alone time with God.

Giving God time and space that is not in competition with social contact, noise or stimulation, communing with God alone, perhaps by walking or running, and observing sabbath refreshment.

Prayer Walking

To align yourself, while walking in particular places, with Christ and his intercession for the kingdom to come.

Slowly and deliberately walking through places for the purpose of intentional and listening prayer.


To develop a daily practice of sharing your faith experience with a trusted friend.

  • FEELINGS: Naming your feelings. What do you feel: joy, frustration, apathy?
  • AFFIRMATION: What can you affirm about today?
  • NEED: What is it that you're needing?
  • SURRENDER: What do you need to Surrender?
  • How can you be present to a friend as they share the same with you today?


Below are some great options for daily and weekly audio devotionals.

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