Give to Flood


As a reflection of God's grace towards us,
we believe that growing in generosity is an important part of becoming more like Jesus. 

Support what God is doing in and through Flood!
Make a one-time donation or setup a recurring monthly gift safely and securely online.

Different ways to give:

You can safely give to Flood through our online platform, SecureGive. Set up a new account or log in to give a gift.

*Now Accepting Apple Pay!

Give Now

You can easily give money to Flood through Venmo using @Flood-Church

While you are welcome to give non-tax-deductible gifts under $100, we encourage you to give online through SecureGive for increased amounts and to receive a tax receipt.

Text the word "Give" and your gift amount to 619-679-9979 (example: Give 25).
Be sure to include a space between Give and the gift amount.

Reply "Y" to confirm your gift

Cash or checks can be given on Sundays or mailed to Flood Church, 4772 Alvarado Canyon Rd, San Diego, CA 92120
Checks should be made payable to ‘Flood Church’

Donating appreciated stock that you've held for over a year could allow you to save up to 20%* in capital gains taxes and potentially up to 37%** in federal income taxes on the charitable donation value of your gift based on your tax bracket when itemizing deductions. To understand the full tax benefits of giving appreciated stock, including potential state tax savings, please consult with your tax professional for information about your personal tax implications.

*This assumes all realized gains are subject to the maximum federal long-term capital gains tax rate of 20%, and that the donor originally planned to sell the stock and contribute the net proceeds (less the capital gains tax) to charity. This does not take into account state or local taxes, if any.

**This assumes the top individual federal income tax bracket for a taxpayer that is itemizing tax deductions and does take into account Adjusted Gross Income limitations on charitable contributions. This does not take into account state or local taxes, if any.

Once we receive your gift, we will send you an IRS-compliant acknowledgment letter that you can use to itemize the charitable deduction on your taxes.

To make a stock donation, contact:

I am praying that you will put into action the generosity that comes from your faith as you understand and experience all the good things we have in Christ. - Philemon 1:6

Frequently Asked Questions

What is SecureGive?

SecureGive is our primary online giving platform. This easy to use system prioritizes generosity, creating secure and easy opportunities for you to give on a variety of platforms, including your phone or web browser.

You can use your SecureGive login to set up recurring gifts and view your giving history.

Is SecureGive safe and secure?

SecureGive has contracted with McAfee Secure to run daily scans of the SecureGive servers and to alert us of any vulnerability in the system. The SecureGive software is encrypted with 256-bit encryption and our payment gateway software is PCI certified with 256-bit encryption.

Where can I view my giving history (online and cash/check)?

You can view your giving history through Flood’s database system, Church Community Builder. To access your information, follow these steps:

1.) Visit CCB
2.) Click “sign up”
3.) Follow the prompts
4.) Log in information will be sent to the email address you provided.
5.) Create your password and log into Church Community Builder
6.) Click your name in the upper right corner and select profile
7.) Click the financial tab to view your giving history
8.) If your personal information is incorrect, click “Edit profile” and update accordingly.

If you have any trouble, questions or need anything else please feel free to contact She will be happy to assist you.

What kind of organization is Flood Church?

Flood Church is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization officially recognized by the Federal Government. All gifts are tax deductible.  

Financial Accountability?

Yes, the financial statements of Flood Church are reviewed annually by Gatto, Pope, & Walwick LLP. A clean audit report has been received for the 2022-2023 fiscal year. 

Who can I contact with additional questions?

If you have any further questions regarding giving, your giving account or need financial counsel, contact our Bookkeeper. She can be reached at   or 858.268.2330.