
Summer News & Story

June 09, 2022

We have experienced some exciting growth and moments since moving into our new space. Just today we had the opportunity to host 30+ pastors from across San Diego for a time of encouragement and challenge from our denomination's (Converge Worldwide) president, Scott Ridout. It was not only good to be reminded of the greater body of Christ in San Diego, it was fun to provide a central location for us all to gather.

We have two upcoming opportunities that I wanted to share.

First, we will be hosting our first Flood Family Meeting in our brand new space on the evening of Monday, June 27th from 5:30pm-7:30pm. These gatherings are meaningful times to not only enjoy a free meal together (this one will be catered by Dang Bros pizza!!), but also a time to receive an insiders look at what is up and coming at Flood. This one will include a special time of prayer and worship. I hope you can join us! Please RSVP today. Childcare options are available.

Second, we hope you can join our Serve for the Summer initiative with Flood Kids. The commitment is serving twice this summer and will greatly benefit our children's ministry. I included a really encouraging story we received from a volunteer at the end. I hope you are encouraged by her words. We are also in need of people to join our Sunday Parking Team and we are looking for an adult male camp counselor to join our elementary students at camp June 26-30. We hope you can put your faith in action and serve others this summer! I included contact links to sign up below.

  • Serve for the Summer with Flood Kids: Complete interest form here
  • Parking Team:
  • Camp Counselor:  

Below is an encouraging email our Elementary Director, Jamie Van Dyke, recently received. Be encouraged!


I volunteered for you a few years ago when I was in college for a summer. I am so appreciative of that time with Flood Kids! 
I was thinking of you recently and my brief time at Flood. I am graduating with my Masters of Divinity from seminary and pursuing ordination. I just took a job as an Associate Pastor in New Jersey, and part of my role will be working with kids and youth. I am looking forward to investing into my volunteers, just as you taught me to do!! I am so grateful for those 10-15 minute check in’s before Flood Kids began each week, and I hope to implement something similar. 
I also remember that as much as you cared about teaching the kids about the Bible, you always cared more about making them feel loved. And to me, that is the most beautiful form of theological formation. Kids knowing that they are loved and enough. I will carry that with me as a minister. 
It’s so crazy that just one summer of working with you influenced me so much, and my passion for ministry. I had worked for a couple ministries before meeting you, and that summer was my “last try” at church. Little did I know, it would only be the beginning. Thanks for everything! Thank you for your ministry that has impacted me so much!!! 

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