Author A.W. Tozer once wrote:
"What comes into our mind when we think about God is the most important thing about us."
Similarly, Dallas Willard stated:
"The single most important thing about us is our idea of God and its associated images."
Now, you might not fully agree with Tozer and Willard. Perhaps you can think of something else that defines us more profoundly. But I invite you to consider why they were so convinced of this truth. What led them to believe that our picture of God is so incredibly significant?
Tozer and Willard, emphasize this point because they understand a profound reality: We become like the God we worship.
- If I believe that God is not only loving but is love, then the more I center my life on Him, the more loving I will become.
- If, however, I see God as primarily angry, I will likely grow into a more angry person.
- If I worship a trustworthy God, I will find it easier to trust both Him and other people. But if my image of God is that of someone unreliable, I may struggle with anxiety and control.
This is why early 20th-century Anglican priest William Temple once observed:
"If we have a negative picture of God, the more religious we become, the worse it gets."
Temple understood that our perception of God not only shapes us but also influences everything else—how we read Scripture, how we interpret suffering, and how we treat others. No aspect of our lives is untouched by the image we hold of God, even if that image is subconscious.
The way we see God matters—because whether we realize it or not, it shapes the way we walk through life. This Sunday, we’ll dive into the question: "What is God like?" by exploring Exodus 34:5-7, where God reveals His character to Moses. While we may have our own ideas about who God is, Scripture gives us the clearest and truest picture of His nature. Instead of projecting our assumptions onto Him, we are invited to see and know God as He reveals Himself. May we walk through this Lenten season seeking to draw near to the God who is good, beautiful, and kind!