How Do People Change?

Follow the Leader: Becoming Like Jesus for the Sake of Others

Bill & Kristi GaultiereOctober 1, 2023 Sermon Details  

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This week, we are exploring the important question, How do people change? Our friends, Drs. Bill and Kristi Gaultiere will be sharing the essential elements of how we grow to become more like Jesus for the sake of others. As pastors and licensed therapists, Bill and Kristi bring a wealth of wisdom, insight and experience in walking with people toward healing and wholeness. They are wonderful examples of a genuine faith in Jesus that expresses itself in love. Bill and Kristi lead a ministry to pastors and leaders called Soul Shepherding. They are the authors of "Journey of the Soul" and the recently released "Healthy Feelings, Thriving Faith." We look forward to experiencing God's truth and grace through them!

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Sermons in Follow the Leader: Becoming Like Jesus for the Sake of Others