The Holy Spirit

Follow the Leader: Becoming Like Jesus for the Sake of Others

Matt HammettNovember 12, 2023 Sermon Details  

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This Sunday we explore the rich account found in John 20:19-22. In this post-resurrection story we see Jesus giving his fearful disciples the gift of the Holy Spirit by breathing on them. Our core question is, "Who is the Holy Spirit, and what does the Spirit do?" As a hint, we eventually see these same disciples no longer filled with fear but filled with the Spirit of God. In the book of Acts we see them doing the same things Jesus did – healing the sick, casting out demons, and boldly proclaiming the good news of the kingdom of God. The Spirit-empowered-life is joyful, energizing and deeply meaningful. How do we open ourselves to this incredible gift and discover how the Spirit can bring us alive spiritually, drawing us closer to God and one another in a way that will transform our lives?

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Sermons in Follow the Leader: Becoming Like Jesus for the Sake of Others